our team

We won’t borrow your watch and then sell you the time!

We hope that we’re not your typical consultants. For one thing, we won’t ‘borrow your watch and then sell you the time’. We don’t know it all. We don’t over talk. And we’re not always right! We’d describe our work with our clients as fun (some of the time), engaging and simple, although simple doesn’t mean easy. If a change process can be simply stated, simple to understand, simple to implement and pushed from the bottom up, then it will work…with one important caveat; and that is that you care about your team.

Neville Brady

I started my consultancy business over 25 years ago with far more ambition than skill. Back then I was working in the advertising industry and an insurance agent asked me to come up with a new strategy to increase sales. I developed a program called ‘Help, not Sell’.

National Mutual purchased the program and asked me to train their agents to train their sales people in this process and my consultancy business was born.

It’s been a long road from ‘Help, not Sell’ to ‘Actual to Ideal’ a journey of learning, trialing, adjusting and re-applying.

The Actual to Ideal process is based on validated research and something mum said to me when I was a teenager. In response to saying “Everyone is giving me the shits.” She replied with, “Oh, sweetheart that’s a shame, everyone can’t be wrong.”

The Actual to Ideal program is based on the best practices of all our clients… after all, everyone can’t be wrong.

Check out our blog page, and feel free to make contact if you would like to learn more about our business improvement programs.

E: neville@browsup.com.au

M: 0418546486

Craig Fyfe

Having had a career spanning 30 years culminating into the role of General Manager overseeing the performance of 14 rural retail stores, it was time to consider the next challenge. My introduction to Browsup Consulting was initially met with cautious scepticism and brushed aside as another silver bullet that doesn’t exist. This was based on past experiences where other consultants walk-in, review our systems and processes, tell us WHAT we need to fix, WHY we need to fix it, but leave out the crucial bit of HOW to fix it!

The Actual to Ideal programme was different! Not only did it provide a business health check to complete our own review, but it also provided the necessary structures, resources and competencies we needed to effectively address the HOW. Focusing on improving our business inputs had a profound impact on our outputs, resulting in an improved bottom-line and a positive shift in our workplace culture. Using a bottom-up approach, not top-down was the primary reason staff embraced the change.

Check out our blog page, and feel free to make contact if you would like to learn more about our business improvement programs.

E: craig@browsup.com.au

M: 0480106880

Amanda Moraitis

I have a strong background in Human Resources and Recruitment across various industries.

I believe in looking at businesses as a whole, focusing on how people, success, and the way organisations work are connected; aligning team actions and behaviours to business values, goals and expectations.

My main passion lies in helping to create work environments where people are encouraged to reach their full potential. And when people reach their full potential so too do businesses.

I’m eager to share my expertise in the full suite HR services, including recruitment, best practices, laws, and strategic advice and all the resources and templates you need. I’m also excited about offering the ‘Actual to Ideal’ program, which helps businesses improve culture and performance.

E: amanda@browsup.com.au

M: 0413954002

Paul McKenry

I’m passionate about helping people and businesses unlock their full potential – because everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive. Success is even more rewarding when achieved together, and I love being part of that journey.

With over 30 years of experience leading strategic transformations across diverse roles and industries, I now have the privilege of leveraging this expertise to support business owners in achieving their goals and tackling their challenges.

Through the Browsup Actual to Ideal program, we provide a practical and relatable framework that blends research with best practices. It’s not just about identifying gaps in your business, it’s about equipping you with the right tools to close them. Simple? Yes. Easy? Not always. But real progress never is.

If you’re ready to face reality, grow, and embrace the discomfort of change, I’m here to walk alongside you.

Check out our blog, and feel free to reach out – I’d love to connect!

E: paul@browsup.com.au

M: 0418334234